Business Plan – Key to Smooth Running of Any Business

Business Plan

Preparing a business plan is extremely important to start and growing a successful business. A business plan acts as a guide for your business. So, creating a solid plan is crucial to the success of any business. A good business plan can help you in identifying strategies for growth and solve any problems occurring in your business. You would find various templates of business plans, but select one that suits your enterprise and your purpose. Check out this article to get detailed information about business management.

Intended Audience:

Business plans are sometimes meant for internal audiences only like the senior management, advisors or boards of directors, employees, and owners of an existing organization. Such a business plan is designed to implement a growth strategy and is usually called a strategic plan. This plan serves as a sole guide for the business owner and it helps the business owner to clarify his or her goals and vision.

A business plan can also be designed for external audiences like bankers, new hires, suppliers, clients, investors and other lenders like the government. The purpose of these business plans is to attract suppliers, talent or financing for existing or new businesses. For such an audience, the document initially appears to be a larger business plan’s condensed version. This document primarily intends to attract funding. The document is called a business funding proposal pr a business opportunity document. Getting financing forms an important issue for a number of businesses and the business plan acts as an effective tool to approach lenders and investors. If you want to learn more about developing a successful business, then look at this website for further details.

Contents of a Business Plan:

The future of a business venture is described by the business plan. The major contents of a business plan are:

  • Executive summary
  • Background and history of the company
  • A clear description of value proposition and business concept
  • Analysis of marketing comprising market development plan and competitive analysis
  • Development plan and operations and production assessment
  • Projections and financial assessment
  • Planning and assessment of human resources and management
  • Implementation plan
  • Resource identification
  • Proposed structure of deal for investors
  • Survival strategy states mitigation strategies and inherent risk.
  • Growth strategy
  • Exit strategy
  • Appendices

Some of the above-mentioned factors may be shorter or longer or optional, as per the intended audience and the format.

The reader of the business plan should understand clearly that, what is the value proposition, the key strength of the business that would make it successful, and the way the business would attain this success. If the plan involves investors, an investor should instantly understand the proposed deal structure and what would be the level of returns. The financial projections should be realistic; otherwise, it would make the investors lose interest or may also make the owner lose perspective.


A business plan acts as a simple way of discussing the business idea with the prospective audience, assisting in avoiding problems and identifying growth strategies. It is also a tool used for searching for funds. An entrepreneur should use a business plan as a tool that guides him or her in business operations. It should be seen as a strict blueprint or manual to be followed strictly. For more information, check out this website: